We identified an optimal location for establishing a landscape scale BNG initiative at Lower Valley Farm, South Cambridgeshire, which is located within the Cambridge Nature Network project and lies adjacent to the Roman Road SSSI. In partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council we are delivering strategic habitat creation across the c. 140 ha site which maximises environmental outcomes and will be managed in a cost-effective manner.
We appointed ecologists to conduct a biodiversity baseline survey and worked with them to develop the HMMP which details the habitat proposals and the management regime. Furthermore, we worked closely with the County Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council to develop the s106 agreement for the scheme.
Our input to date has ensured that BNG will form a significant part of land management on the farm going forward. We continue to work with the County Council to ensure successful delivery of the scheme and broker the biodiversity units created. To date we have sold over 70 biodiversity units from this scheme, with numerous other quotes issued to developers.