We have a growing portfolio of habitat banks that provide a solution to developments with off-site BNG requirements.
Biodiversity unit allocations are tailored to meet development requirements. We can provide for a wide range of unit quantities from fractions of a unit to tens and hundreds of units. Many of our schemes are designed to provide a variety of habitat types and distinctiveness to enable a development’s off-site BNG to be secured from one habitat bank.
Furthermore we can provide for specific habitat requirements cost-effectively. The overwhelming majority of our habitat banks are being delivered by landowners with significant additional landholdings where further habitat creation can take place. Moreover, our familiarity with the process of establishing habitat banks and our significant portfolio of sites that we manage across the country enables us to identify opportunities to secure specific BNG requirements.
Developers can secure an option on units that can be presented to the LPA during the planning application review process to determine acceptance of the proposal. Alternatively, a straightforward allocation can be provided where BNG has been conditioned to a planning consent.
When you secure biodiversity units from any of our schemes, you can have confidence in the delivery of high quality habitat enhancements and their long term management and monitoring.